Monday, October 22, 2007

"You Should Go into Business"

So as the lucky and patient few of you who have been getting regular ear-fulls of whats sucking up most of my free time and to commemorate my 40th post as part of the blogger universe:

I'm helping my new sister-in-law plan her and my brother's wedding that's going down next month. Shes a doll and has a bunch of amazing ideas but isn't much of a planner so I'm helping out where I can and its been really good to help us bond and all that fun jazz. I mean, what else can help you talk at least once a day than planning a wedding for a frozen Utah November? Not much.

So to explain why the posts are slower coming than usual and to save my blog from being nothing but a slew of random wedding updates I've just made a bar list on the side for you to peruse if you're curious or if you have any suggestions or comments.

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